Billion to Crore |Billion to Rupee | Billion to Million

To express a huge quantity, we generally use the units million, billion, trillion, etc. In this post, we will learn about them.

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Million to Lakh Conversion

How much is 1 million in lakhs? By 1 million, we mean 10,00,000 in numbers. So there are 6 zeros in one million. As we know that 1 lakh = 1,00,000, so 1 million in lakhs conversion is as follows:

1 million = 10 lakhs

1 million in lakhs: Thus, 1 million is equal to 10 lakhs. Therefore, 10 million will equal to 10 × 10 = 100 lakhs.

MillionMillion in Lakhs
1 million10 lakhs
1.5 million15 lakhs
2 million20 lakhs
5 million50 lakhs
10 million100 lakhs

Million to Crore Conversion

How much is 1 million in crores? From the above, we know that 1 million = 10 lakhs. On the other hand, we have 1 crore = 100 lakhs. So 1 million in crores conversion is given by

1 million = 10/ 100 = 0.1 crore.

1 million in crore: Thus in terms of crores, 1 million is equal to 0.1 crore. Hence 10 million is equal to 0.1 × 10 crore = 1 crore. In terms of rupees, 1 million equals to 0.1 crore rupees, and 10 million is equivalent to 1 crore rupees.

Crore to Million Conversion

We know that 1 crore = 100 lakhs and 1 million = 10 lakhs. So we have:

1 crore = 100 lakhs

= 10 × (10 lakhs)

= 10 × 1 million

= 10 million

So in terms of million, 1 crore is equal to 10 million. This means that 1 crore rupees is equal to 10 million rupees.

Billion to Crore Conversion

How much is 1 billion in crores? One billion has the value 1,000,000,000 in numbers. So there are 9 zeros in a billion. As we have 7 zeros in a crore, so 1 billion in crore conversion is given as

1 billion = 100 crores.

1 billion in crores: Thus, in terms of crores, 1 billion is equal to one hundred crores. This means that 1 billion rupees is equal to one hundred crores rupees. Similarly, 10 billion rupees will be equivalent to one thousand crores rupees.

BillionBillion in Crores
1 billion100 crores
1.5 billion150 crores
2 billion200 crores
5 billion500 crores
10 billion1000 crores
100 billion10000 crores

Crore to Billion

In crore to billion conversion, note that 1 crore = 107 and 1 billion = 109.

Thus, 1 crore = 107/109 billion

= 1/102 =1/100 billion

= 0.01 billion.

So 1 crore is equivalent to 0.01 billion. Thus, 7 crores = 7× 0.01 billion =0.07 billion. For more crore to billion conversions, see the table below.

CroreCrore in Billion
1 crore0.01 billion
2 crore0.02 billion
5 crore0.05 billion
10 crore0.1 billion
50 crore0.5 billion
100 crore1 billion
1000 crore10 billion

Billion to Million Conversion

We have learned above that 1 billion equals 100 crores. In other words,

1 billion = 100 crores

= 100 × (1 crore)

= 100 × (10 million) as 1 crore = 10 million

= 1000 million

1 billion in million: So 1 billion is equal to one thousand million. Hence, 10 billion equals to ten thousand million.

Question Answer on Billion to Rupees Conversion

Question 1: How much is 1 billion dollars in rupees if 1 dollar = 75 rupees?


We know that 1 billion = 100 crores. So

1 billion dollars = 100 crores dollars

= (100 × 75) crores rupees as 1 dollar equals 75 rupees

= 7,500 crores rupees

Thus 1 billion dollars in rupees is equal to 7,500 crores if the current dollar rate is 75 rupees.

Question 2: What is the worth of a unicorn company?


By definition of a unicorn company, we know that it has a valuation worth 1 billion dollars. So from the above Question 1, we can say that a unicorn company is worth 7,500 crores rupees if the dollar rate is 75 rupees.


Q1: How many crores is 1 billion?

Answer: 1 billion is equivalent to 100 crores.

Q2: How many zeros in a billion?

Answer: one billion has nine (9) zeros.

Q3: How many zeros in a million?

Answer: one million has six (6) zeros.

Q4: How many zeros in one crore?

Answer: one crore has seven (7) zeros.

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